Current Projects
ELLIE'S Project
The Energetics and Lifestyle in Inherited Syndromes (ELLIE's) Project aims to establish a cohort of individuals who have an increased risk of cancer due to hereditary cancer genetic mutations.
Efficacy of Point of Service Testing - Breast Cancer (EPOST-BC) was designed to improve knowledge and practice gaps in genetic testing for patients with breast cancer among community and rural oncology providers.
Project BRA
Project Breast cancer Risk Assessment (BRA) addresses the provider knowledge gap in risk and risk assessment by providing education with tele-mentoring and case-based learning.
Project TOQQ-RCC
Using Tele-Mentoring to Optimize Quality of Care and Quality of Life for Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (TOQQ-RCC) addresses existing clinical care gaps regarding symptom and toxicity assessment and management for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with immunotherapy or tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy.